Webinar: Creating engaging lessons in the digital space

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Join Sola Woodhouse, Instructional Designer at ADInstruments, for an enriching webinar where she shares insights and practical tips to enhance the interactivity and effectiveness of your educational content.


Key Highlights:

  • Explore key features in Lt, focusing on interactive elements such as Question Panels and the Hot Spot panel.
  • Learn from the experts through creative demonstrations and interactive activities.
  • Discover different strategies for enhancing interactivity in digital lessons.


Whether you're an educator seeking fresh perspectives or eager to explore the latest in teaching innovations, this webinar offers invaluable insights and actionable strategies to elevate your lessons. Explore innovative strategies to transform traditional educational materials into engaging digital lessons. Learn how to leverage technology to make your lessons more interactive and dynamic, ultimately enhancing student engagement and improving learning outcomes. Even if you're not currently using Lt, this webinar is packed with resources designed to help you deliver engaging content in the digital space.  

Related products:

The Lt logo with the tagline "Create Share Inspire".

Lt, our learning platform for the sciences »

Over 500 interactive and fully-customizable life science lessons for active learning, whether you’re teaching in the lab or remotely.

Contact us for more information.