What is a LabChart buffer file?

LabChart buffer files are temporary files that store information about data and settings in case the computer crashes.

After a crash, these files are automatically reloaded (when re-opening LabChart) to restore previously lost data.

LabChart for Windows creates a temporary file located at the root of the C: drive called ADIxx.tmp. This is the 'data stream'. 

LabChart creates a second temp file, located in:

C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Local\Temp\ADILCDiskBuffers

called ADIBAK File (.adibak). This is the mapping stream. 

To recover data from a crash, both files are needed.

Note: We cannot assist in file recovery using earlier versions of LabChart. The earliest version we can attempt to recover data is v8.1.9 or later.

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