Is there a LabChart temporary buffer file recovery limit?

Temporary LabChart buffer files are created and stored in a particular folder after unexpected computer issues or crashes.  This is discussed further here.

However, there is a limit of 30 "sessions" which can be stored in this folder.  A "session" can be described as a LabChart file once it has been saved.  If you save a recording multiple times while collecting data, each "save" will generate a new "session".

This can make file recovery difficult as only 30 "sessions" can be stored in this folder.  All these "sessions" may be associated with just one LabChart recording if saved multiple times, so only parts of the whole file may only be able to be recovered.

It is not recommended to repeatedly save recordings like this, as file recovery is more difficult, if not impossible, if it is needed.

For further technical assistance with this or any other issue, please contact ADInstruments Technical Support by clicking HERE.