How do I change the Transmission Frequency of mouse telemeters?

To avoid confusion with data acquisition channels in LabChart, the term Channel in ConfigSoft will now be referred to as Transmission Frequency.

It is recommended that any changes to telemeter Transmission Frequency are recorded for future reference.

Mouse telemeters are shipped on the Setup Transmission Frequency by default. Before implanting a mouse telemeter the Transmission Frequency must be changed to the desired Transmission Frequency for the experiment.

Changing the Transmission Frequency of mouse telemeters must not be done after the telemeter is implanted. Contact your local ADInstruments support team for advice if a situation arises where this is necessary.

  1. Place the new mouse telemeter in the centre of the indentation on top of an active tBase. The tBase Transmission Frequency should be set to Setup to match with that of the telemeter
  2. The tBase status light will turn green to signify that the telemeter is powered and communicating with the tBase
  3. Connect the Configurator to your computer and open ConfigSoft
  4. Click on the Mouse Telemeter button in the ConfigSoft main menu or select the Mouse Telemeter tab
  5. Enter the Serial Number of the telemeter. This can be found on the telemeter packaging or engraved on the body of the telemeter
  6. Enter the current Transmission Frequency of the telemeter. This will be Setup for new telemeters

  1. In the Configure your Telemeter section of ConfigSoft, enter the new Transmission Frequency number (1-40) and click Go
  2. A dialog box will appear to confirm the telemeter is not implanted. Click OK if this is true

  1. A message will appear to confirm the new Transmission Frequency for the telemeter.

  1. The tBase status light will turn orange until the tBase Transmission Frequency has been changed to match that of the telemeter.

For further technical assistance with this or any other issue, please contact ADInstruments Technical Support by clicking HERE.