Excellence in Small-Animal Surgery and Telemetry Research Training Program

Excellence in Small-Animal Surgery and Telemetry Research Training Program

ADInstruments is excited to sponsor this comprehensive, two-day research training program on small animal surgery and telemetry skills, hosted through InsideScientific.

This workshop is dedicated to equipping participants with the knowledge and skills required for refined telemeter implantation in rodents, with an emphasis on peri-operative support and monitoring equipment, surgical proficiency, and post-surgical animal care to maximize data quality and animal welfare standards.

The workshop will be hosted by Dr. Chris West in his Translational Integrative Physiology Laboratory at the University of British Columbia Okanagan.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Setting up the Kaha Sciences telemetry system for telemetric monitoring of in vivo physiology in the rat
  • Understanding the design features and technical/data-quality advantages of Kaha Sciences telemeters
  • Creating and maintaining an aseptic surgical environment
  • Pre-, peri- and post-operative injectables to maximize welfare and minimize complications
  • Inhalant anesthesia and monitoring of vital signs during surgery
  • Proper animal preparation for aseptic survival surgery
  • Suturing materials and techniques for telemetry device fixation/tethering and incision closing
  • Laparotomy and abdominal surgery for telemetric measurement of arterial blood pressure
  • Vascular cannulation in the neck and hindlimb for telemetric measurement of arterial or venous blood pressure or vascular access for blood sampling/fluid administration
  • Post-surgical monitoring, incision care and analgesia
  • Assessing post-surgical data quality

How to Register:

To learn more and register, you can visit the registration page here.

Event Dates:

  • November 13th - 14th, 2024

Meet Your Instructors:


Chris West, PhD

Chris West

Chris West, PhD                   
Associate Professor,                   
Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences,
The University of British Columbia                                 
Director of the Translational Integrative Physiology Laboratory, Dr. West’s research program at UBC aims to understand the autonomic pathways that control the cardiovascular system and to use this knowledge to develop and test novel therapies for restoring autonomic control in the setting of spinal cord injury (SCI).


Oliver Wearing, PhD

Oliver Wearing

Oliver Wearing, PhD                   
Research Associate,                   
Translational Integrative Physiology Laboratory,
The University of British Columbia                                
Dr. Oliver Wearing is a Research Associate in the Translational Integrative Physiology Laboratory. His research aims to develop innovative surgical techniques and cutting-edge biotelemetry technologies to better understand cardiovascular function in small and large animal models of health and disease. He is also passionate about improving research animal welfare and in vivo data quality through refinement of surgical methods and data collection technologies, as well as through effective knowledge/skills transfer between researchers.