We invite you to join us at the René Remie Surgical Skills Centre (RRSSC) in Almere, The Netherlands, for our free two-day workshop on Kaha Telemetry!



Tailored for both new and existing customers, we invite you to join us for this two-day immersive experience at the RRSSC.

On Day 1, join us as we delve into the latest advancements in telemetry technology. Witness live surgical demonstrations featuring Kaha products, providing a firsthand look at proper handling techniques. Engage in discussions on recovery surgery with expert René and participate in an interactive showcase of best practices.

On Day 2, immerse yourself in a unique opportunity to absorb insights from seasoned users. They'll generously share their firsthand experiences with the telemetry system, offering a glimpse into their most recent findings. This day is dedicated to exploring telemeter handling, with discussions on best practices and user presentations that showcase real-world applications of the technology.


Monday 26th February Day 1: Surgical Demonstrations

10:30am - Arrive for tea and coffee

11:00am - Welcome from ADInstruments

11.30am - Introduction to telemetry/recovery surgery with René

12.30pm - Lunch (provided by ADI)

1.30pm - Surgical Demo 1 - bloody pressure and ECG using a Pressure Biopotential Telemeter 

3.00pm - Surgical Demo 2 - EEG/EMG using a Dual Biopotential Telemeter

4.30pm - Discussion

7.00pm - Dinner (provided by ADI)


Tuesday 27th February Day 2: Telemeter handling and user group meeting

9.00am - Arrive for tea and coffee

9.30am - Telemeter cleaning and handling: best practice

10.30am - User Presentation 1

11.15am - User Presentation 2

12.00pm - Introduction to LabChart Lightning for Telemetry

1.00pm - Lunch (provided by ADI)

2.00pm - User Presentation 3

2.45pm - User Presentation 4

3.30pm - Discussion

Guest Speakers:


Caren van Kammen
PhD Candidate 
University Medical Center Utrecht, Netherlands

Caren van Kammen is a PhD candidate in the nanomedicine group of professor Raymond Schiffelers and together with Professor and Gynaecologist Titia Lely at the University Medical Center Utrecht. She focuses on lipid-based nanoparticles as drug delivery systems in the search for a new therapeutic approach in hypertension disorders during pregnancy. She possesses a wide range of experiences in preclinical models related to cardiovascular health. Previously she and her colleague Fieke Terstappen succeeded to set up the Reduced uterine perfusion pressure model (RUPP) at the UMCU, a surgical model which mimics the cardinal features of preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction e.g. hypertension and fetal growth restriction. The ultimate goal of our translational research group is to enhance understanding from bench to bedside, with the aim of ameliorating vascular complications arising during pregnancy. 



Connar Westgate, Ph.D
Post-doctoral Fellow, Danish Headache Center    
Rigshospitalet-Glostrup, University of Copenhagen         

Connar is a senior scientist at the Danish Headache Center, Rigshospitalet-Glostrup. His work focuses on the pharmacological and physiological manipulation of intracranial pressure in order to understand the pathophysiology of idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Over the course of almost 5 years, he has gained extensive experience in rat in vivo intracranial pressure telemetry, having validated and published extensively with the technique. More broadly, his academic work has contributed to publications including clinical trials, disease phenotyping and pre-clinical research. His current work is focused on understanding the interplay between intracranial pressure and headache, funded by a Lundbeck Foundation post-doctoral Fellowship. 



Beth Rees
BSc in Neuroscience
Aston University, United Kingdom     

Beth Rees completed a BSc in Neuroscience at Aston University, UK. Her final year project investigated the effect of a low-level NMDA receptor blockade on hippocampal GABAergic inhibition. Since graduating Beth has worked between Aston and ADInstruments as an Optogenetic Biopotential Telemeter Specialist. As part of this unique Knowledge Transfer Partnership Beth has been refining the implantation method for ADI’s novel optogenetics telemeter, testing stimulation protocols and collecting first in animal data. 


Related products:

Kaha Telemetry »  

Additional Resources:

Kaha Telemetry System Overview
Four Cardiovascular Applications Using Kaha Science Telemetry 
Three Simple Tips for Small Animal Telemetry