Rodent Pressure-Volume Loop Masterclass

Rodent Pressure-Volume Loop Masterclass

ADInstruments is excited to sponsor this comprehensive, multi-day training program on rodent cardiac PV Loops for preclinical researchers, hosted by Endpoint Preclinical.

This program aims to empower preclinical researchers with the knowledge, tools and techniques required to maximize PV Loop data accuracy and reproducibility in small-animal models.

The workshop will be hosted by Dr. Chris West in his Translational Integrative Physiology Laboratory at the University of British Columbia Okanagan.

Workshop Topics:

  • Fundamental cardiovascular and hemodynamic principles
  • History and current landscape of PV Loop and supporting technologies
  • Conductance and Admittance volume calibration procedures
  • Correct curve fitting of occlusion data and selection of load-independent indices
  • How to optimize grouped occlusion data analysis
  • Best-practices for data visualization and statistical presentation
  • How to set up, prepare, and execute successful rodent PV Loop surgeries
  • Monitoring and controlling anesthesia, respiration, and body-temperature
  • Hands-on training for open- and closed-chest surgeries in a rat model
  • Correct catheter insertion, navigation, and placement in the ventricle
  • Modern data collection best practices, ensuring accuracy and reproducibility
  • How to adjust preload and afterload in both open- and closed-chest models

This program is recognized by the American Physiological Society and supported through technology sponsorships from Millar, ADInstruments, and Kent Scientific.

Attendees will get hands-on experience with Millar MPVS Pressure-Volume System and PV catheters, as well as ADInstrument's PowerLab and LabChart data acquisition and analysis tools.

How to Register:

To learn more and register, you can visit the registration page here.

Event Dates:

  • October 22-25, 2024
  • April 15-18, 2025
  • June 15-18, 2025
  • October 21-24, 2025

Meet Your Instructors:


Chris West, PhD

Chris West

Chris West, PhD                   
Associate Professor,                   
Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences,
Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management,
Faculty of Medicine, UBC Okanagan                                 
Chris West is a leading expert in Pressure-Volume Loop applications, specializing in integrative and translational physiology. With over 15 years of experience, Chris’s research has significantly advanced the field of cardiovascular physiology through his exploration of the sympathetic nervous system’s role in heart function and cardiorespiratory interactions, using both human and animal models.


Oliver Wearing, PhD

Oliver Wearing

Oliver Wearing, PhD                   
Research Associate,                   
Translational Integrative Physiology Laboratory,
Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences,
Faculty of Medicine, UBC Okanagan                                 
Oliver has been employing invasive surgical techniques for over a decade. He specializes in ventricular pressure-volume data collection and analysis, demonstrating strong capabilities in both acute and chronic measurements of blood pressure, sympathetic nerve activity, blood flow, and overall hemodynamics. His work is informed by advanced microsurgical techniques, having been trained by leading experts worldwide, and includes applying these techniques to model physiological and pathological conditions across various species.