Using edtech to bridge first-year student knowledge gaps at the University of Champollion

We speak with Dr Arnaud Billet of the University of Champollion, who shares his observations on the changing nature of life science classrooms and how education technology can help lecturers improve student experiences.

Honoring Tony Macknight's legacy by supporting physiology education in Africa

ADInstruments is proud to support the East African Society of Physiological Sciences as they host their 1st EASPS and Special AAPS conference this year in Tanzania.

Supporting excellence in biology teaching: ADInstruments and ACUBE

ADInstruments is proud to support the Association of College and University Biology Educators (ACUBE). Learn more about our strategic alliance and how we are supporting excellence in biology teaching, including an annual award for education.

Managing complex data collection with Ilaria Pozzato

Dr Ilaria Pozzato looks at health holistically. “ My research was really influenced by my past life as a clinician,” she says “ I’ve always been fascinated by how people with similar injuries can have very different outcomes, and particularly how differences in people's physiology, and their...

5 tips for teaching histology

Students can find histology, the study of microscopic structures, quite challenging. Identifying a structure in a clearly laid-out illustration is one thing, but spotting that structure in a mass of gray and pink shapes in a fixed slide can be quite another. Help your students learn about microscopic structures with these tips.

Research Article Competition Winner - Professor Richard Ribchester

ADInstruments Europe is pleased to announce Emeritus Professor Richard Ribchester from the University of Edinburgh as the winner of the 2023 ‘Send Us Your Research Article’ competition.

Getting the most out of dissection in anatomy teaching

The importance and benefits of dissection for undergraduate anatomy classes.

New for physiology educators: Take a look inside the Mechanical and Chemical Digestion module…

Engage your undergraduate physiology students with this hands-on digestive system lab practical investigating the impacts of simulated mechanical and chemical digestion on a selection of real foods.

World Alzheimer's Month: The best exercises to boost blood flow to your brain

Physical exercise has been shown to lower the risk of Alzheimer's and vascular dementia by increasing blood and oxygen flow in the brain. But which exercises work best?

Building the PowerLab C

When it came time to re-engineer the PowerLab, maintaining our already high level of quality and reliability was key.

Highlight of the semester - why CrawFly is the perfect training opportunity for those teaching neuroscience

“If you’re trying to implement invertebrates into your lab work or into the classroom but you don't necessarily have people around you to help you or guide you...It’s perfect.”

Free eBook Download: A Guide to Transforming Traditional Undergraduate Science Education

Teaching science? Download this free eBook on Education 4.0 and learn how you can transform your traditional science labs and lessons with active learning.

Streamlining Seizure Detection with Kaha Telemetry

Learn how the team at the Anticonvulsant Drug Development Program are using Kaha telemetry to speed up their data analysis.