How to Write a Scientific Paper for Publication

The saying ‘publish or perish’ is well-known in the scientific community, yet how to write one is not often taught. Here are our tips on how to write a scientific paper for publication and overcome that blank page.

Powerful data: How Dr. Bridget Ford nurtures curious students using Lt’s online physiology labs

Dr. Bridget Ford shares her experience of using Lt’s online physiology labs to engage students in introductory anatomy and physiology courses.

Solid-state vs. fluid-filled pressure catheters: know the difference

When collecting data from acute invasive pressure studies, it is essential to have the right set of tools at your disposal. Is it time to upgrade from a fluid-filled to a solid-state pressure catheter?

Connecting with clinicians: Tips for translating your research to clinical practice

Cardiovascular Physiologist Fiona McBryde shares her top pieces of advice for creating a successful research collaboration and forming meaningful connections with clinicians.

Talking Teaching: Easing student anxiety with mindful study techniques

Free download: Learn how student anxiety can be reduced with our free printables!

Getting started with small animal Telemetry: Fiona’s top three tips

Fiona McBryde, Cardiovascular Physiologist from the University of Auckland shares her top three tips when it comes to using telemetry in research!

Lt Latest January 2022

Make your teaching experience easier with new Lt features and content!

New labs in the Lt Biology Collection: Easily teach about DNA, proteins, pollution, and climate change

Use our new online biology labs to explore key concepts with your students, in-the-lab or remotely.

Introduction to Optogenetics for Neuroscience Research

Are you thinking about using optogenetics in your neuroscience research but are unsure where to begin? Here we provide an overview of the key tools and techniques involved in optogenetics and its applications in the neuroscience field.

Talking Teaching: Pedagogy of care and the role of faculty in student mental well-being

Join the discussion: Our Instructional Designer, Ellen, summarizes a podcast that focuses on the role educators play in supporting student mental health.

Talking Teaching: How to improve students’ lab report writing

Boost your students' ability to write effective lab reports by using these tips!

Educator Insights: How Lt facilitated a fast transition to remote learning during COVID-19

Dr Abigail Rickard from the University of Greenwich shares why Lt was a key factor in making the transition to online teaching during the pandemic possible.

Keeping anesthetized rhinos safe

Professor Leith Meyer is developing safer capture and immobilization techniques for one of the world’s most endangered animals.