LabTutor Software used by talented middle school students at Michigan State University

A group of twenty talented middle school students recently explored physiological concepts using PowerLab systems with LabTutor Software at a two week residential program that is held annually at Michigan State University (MSU). The Program was so successful that there are plans to include LabTutor experiments in future years.

Biopharmaceutical company founder is a loyal ADInstruments customer

Successful company founder, Dr. Kengatharan began using PowerLab systems fifteen years ago while completing his doctorate studies at London University, UK with Nobel laureate Sir John Vane. Dr. Kengatharan has continued to use PowerLab to expedite his research as he has advanced his career within prestigious institutions in England and North America.

Fish physiology and climate change

In 2007, the effect of climate change on notothenioid fish prompted researchers from New Zealand and Sweden to pack up their PowerLab systems and travel to the Scott Base in Antarctica. The researchers used PowerLab to investigate how a rise in temperature in the McMurdo Sound affects the cardiovascular and respiratory physiology of the borch.

Teaching first year physiology with LabTutor

Since ADInstruments began in 1988, the revolutionary LabTutor software for PowerLab systems has been one of our most innovative developments for life science teaching. This month, we’re focusing on two different institutions that have made LabTutor a core tool in their first year physiology practical programs.

International space station astronauts connect to PowerLab for cardiovascular research

As ADInstruments celebrates 20 years of innovation, our customers continue to find innovative applications for PowerLab data acquisition systems and LabChart software. This month, read about how a group of Canadian researchers are investigating how life on the International Space Station affects astronauts' cardiovascular and cerebrovascular physiology.

Elite car racers and PowerLab in simulated performance

The University of Otago, School of Physical Education researchers put ten of New Zealand's top young rally car drivers through a series of high-performance tests, as part of what is believed to be the first dedicated motor sport programme of its type in the world from 28 June to 2 July, 2004.

Dive Response Experiments in Antarctica

PowerLab and LabChart were used to demonstrate diving-induced bradycardia to three hundred passengers aboard a Discovery cruise ship visiting the Antarctica.

PowerLab on Mount Everest

Using ADInstruments equipment, the 2005 Canadian Everest Expedition obtained data at the Base Camp of the world's highest mountain, Mount Everest. Their results have helped physicians gain a better diagnostic understanding of sleep disturbances and cerebral complications encountered at high altitudes.

Neuroscience Research in Panama Rainforest

Sounds emitted by field crickets and insect-eating bats have been the focus of Austrian neuroscientists, based in the Panama rainforest. Prof. Heinrich Römer and Dr. Alexander Lang from the University of Graz, Department of Neurobiology, Austria have used PowerLab to record the acoustically...