TReND-ADInstruments travel scholarships to CrawFly now open!

Applications for scholarships to attend the CrawFly Invertebrate Neurobiology course for Educators at Cornell University in June are open now. This time ADInstruments is working with TReND (Teaching and Research in Neuroscience for Development in Africa) to provide extra travel assistance to a scientist from Africa to attend this inspirational and practical course.

New approach to chronic back pain with Body Synergy and Delsys EMG

Rowan Ellis, founder of the Body Synergy gym, has a simple but compelling approach to relieving musculoskeletal pain. His hypothesis: to protect the spine and joints, one must contract the right muscles at the right time. Rowan believes that poor physical awareness of which muscles we are using, especially the trapezius, is a root cause for a variety of back problems and some forms of migraine. The Delsys EMG system allows him to view clients’ muscle activity in great detail.

Snail brain physiology a highlight at Crawdad 2014

They're slow, spineless and slimy but if you think you don't have much in common with a snail, think again. Researchers are learning a surprising amount about the human brain by studying snails and we thought it was time to expand our snail neurophysiology session in the latest Crawdad educator's course.

Bright sparks at MSU’s Brain Sparks workshop

Michigan State University has been helping local high school students prepare for the upcoming Brain Bee, with a series of weekend workshops. The latest was Brain Sparks, supported by ADInstruments, which used PowerLabs to study the electrical signals generated by the nervous system in crayfish, fruit flies and the students themselves.

New in LabChart 8: Easy access to shared data

Sometimes it’s the tiny details that make all the difference - in this case, a minor but important addition to the Welcome Center in LabChart 8 that lets you create easy access to shared data and settings.

Putting staff through their paces

Education is really important to everyone here - it's great to think that we can help teachers help students towards a career in life sciences - and every so often, we like to put ourselves on the receiving end of our LabTutor experiments.

New in LabChart 8: LabChart Pro for students

Our new Student Licenses provide access to LabChart Pro for data analysis. Your students can work on data outside of class, so you can devote more of their lab time to teaching hands-on, practical, data-collection techniques.

New in LabChart 8: Send and Publish your data

Another of our favorite additions to LabChart 8 are the Send and Publish functions. Designed to help both teachers and researchers, they’re a great way to share data from the classroom or the lab.

Congratulations to the winners of our Educator Scholarships!

We’re proud to announce the recipients of the ADInstruments Neurobiology Educator Development Scholarships: Dr Zeni Shabani, from Minot State University, and Dr Martine Mirrione, from Quinnipiac University.

New in LabChart 8: Data Plots

The Data Plots feature lets you quickly create plots to analyze your data or even monitor trends in your data as you sample. You can make a plot right within LabChart – no more time spent cutting and pasting data between applications! Watch the video after the click.

Welcome to our new website!

We're proud to launch a new website and brand refresh that better reflects ADInstruments, the quality of the company's products, and the efforts our people put into delivering expert Training and Support in a timely manner. ADInstruments' purpose has remained the same over the past quarter century...

Pulmonary artery hypertension gets the knock-out treatment

Novel signaling pathway demonstrated, involved in the pathogenesis of pulmonary artery hypertension. Possibility for future therapeutic interventions of pulmonary artery hypertension.

Supporting neuroscience education and research in Africa

For a third year running, ADInstruments has sponsored the annual "Teaching and Research in Neuroscience for Development in Africa" (TReND) summer schools at Kampala International University (KIU), Uganda.