How to record an accurate 12-lead ECG for your research, from set-up to signals.

How to set up your equipment and perform a12-lead ECG to ensure clean signals for your cardiovascular and physiology research, using the Octal Bio Amp, PowerLab, and LabChart.

New Release: LabChart 8.1.12 - Introducing our new Macro Library!

The latest version of LabChart has been launched, which includes the new (and incredibly handy) Macro Library, as well as optimizations for data accuracy and support features for our Biological Amplifiers.

Helping with matters of the (isolated) heart: Simplicity & flexibility for cardiovascular and pharmacology research

Using isolated heart systems? So many variations, so many accessories, too many options! To help, we are pleased to present our updated Isolated Heart Research Kits and Foundation Systems.

Teaching Tips: How to engage students. Five easy ways to activate your lessons using Lt.

Need help with making your lessons more engaging? Here are some simple ways to promote active learning and increase student engagement with Lt customer success manager, Liam Farley.

World Alzheimer's Month: Ten years younger - How exercise turns back the clock on your aging brain

Professor Damian Bailey's research shows how a deeper understanding of oxygen transport offers hope for age-related diseases like dementia and Alzheimer's.

Anatomia Italiana: where anatomy and art intersect

How taking a trip to Italy to experience the Renaissance's intersecting worlds of art and anatomy can reinvigorate your anatomy research and teaching.

Publishing Research: How to successfully share your scientific research with the world!

Expert tips for communicating science. An exclusive seminar with award-winning scientific publisher, tech entrepreneur, and co-founder of Cosmos Magazine, Kylie Ahern.

Tips for educators: How to write multiple-choice questions

Our simple guide for educators wanting to write clear, effective multiple-choice questions. Plus, a handy cheat sheet to download and keep!

5 easy tips for connecting your scientific research with the public.

You've spent years on your scientific research and made some amazing how do you connect these with the people who need to know about it – the public?

Meet Dr. Sue Jamieson: University of Central Lancashire

Lt LabStation Customer, Dr Sue Jamieson, uses our offline learning platform to deliver practical, lab-based lessons to students studying medicine and medical sciences in the UK.

New Release: LabChart 8.1.11

The refreshed version of LabChart has been launched, including optimizations to our Non-Invasive Cardiac Output extension and our Spirometry and PV Loop Add-Ons.

Meet Dr. Enmin Zou, Nicholls State University

Dr. Enmin Zou uses our offline learning platform, Lt LabStation, to teach his third-year General Physiology labs, with excellent results!

The Most Excellent Course Design Tool Ever! (We think so, anyway)

[FREE DOWNLOAD] The Most Excellent Design Tool Ever is our lesson content design template, custom-made for life science educators!