Our guide to selecting the right research catheter

Choosing the right catheter size, shape, and function for your research requires careful consideration. To help simplify your decision-making process, download our research catheter selection guide.

CrawFly: A playground for learning and innovation

Professor Cord Brundage was amongst the attendees for the June 2022 CrawFly workshop! We spoke with Cord to learn about the value of this training experience and about how he plans to implement these techniques into his own neurophysiology course.

Using tech to teach: How Dr. Patricia Halpin uses Lt’s Understand Your Physiology resource to engage students online

Dr. Patricia Halpin, Chair of the Teaching Section of the American Physiological Society, shares her successful experience using Lt and the Understand Your Physiology resource to teach pathophysiology.

Transform your teaching with our lab solution

Looking for evidence that Lt is a robust teaching solution? Check out how the platform was recognized in 2022.

A Five-year Journey with Lt at Warwick Medical School

Dr Dawn Collins is an Associate Professor in Neurobiology at Warwick Medical School (WMS). She has been using Lt in her teaching for a number of years, and helping other educators at WMS to include Lt in their teaching. Here, Dawn reflects on how her use of Lt has changed over the years, how Lt has progressed, and why a five-year subscription was the right move for WMS.

Lt Latest June 2022

The Lt lesson environment is now available in German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, and English! Administrators can also manage their course with new options in the Schedule View, and better understand student activity via the new student progress bar.

Overcoming group work challenges: a practical approach

Effective group work is important, but students can struggle with group work in the classroom. We have explored some research on group work in the classroom and share some tips on how to teach students to work in groups. We discuss the purpose of group work and how you can encourage group work in college.

Lt Latest May 2022

New feature alert: With a couple of clicks, a new course can be scheduled and ready for your students. Sit back and let our new Scheduling Interface do all the heavy lifting! Plus, learn about changes to copied and archived courses, and the new Auto Scale button.

Our Partnership with Aston University to Transform Optogenetics Telemetry

ADInstruments has joined forces with Aston University, through a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) to further test and develop our Kaha Sciences Optogenetics Biopotential Telemeter.

Lt wins the Online Learning Innovation Award from EdTech Breakthrough!

Learn how you can use our online learning platform, Lt, to create innnovative course designs and engage your students in active learning.

Congratulations to Dr. Ahmed Wafi, winner of the 2022 ADInstruments Macknight Innovative Educator Award!

Dr. Ahmed Wafi has won the 2022 ADInstruments Macknight Innovative Educator Award, which he will use to teach physiology to medical students at Jazan University, Saudi Arabia.

Expert Answers Podcast: Louise Parr-Brownlie and Conor Underwood on Optogenetic Stimulation

In this episode of #ExpertAnswers join Dr. Louise Parr-Brownlie and Dr. Conor Underwood, from the University of Otago, as they answer questions from a recent webinar that discussed the impact of acute optogenetic stimulation for the treatment of Parkinson's disease in a rat model.

Lt Latest April 2022

Learn about new content in Lt, including new Practice Logs for nursing students, updates to our Cockroach Sensory Nerve Lab, and improved gas collection protocols.