Helping with matters of the (isolated) heart: Simplicity & flexibility for cardiovascular and pharmacology research

Using isolated heart systems? So many variations, so many accessories, too many options! To help, we are pleased to present our updated Isolated Heart Research Kits and Foundation Systems.

World Alzheimer's Month: Ten years younger - How exercise turns back the clock on your aging brain

Professor Damian Bailey's research shows how a deeper understanding of oxygen transport offers hope for age-related diseases like dementia and Alzheimer's.

Publishing Research: How to successfully share your scientific research with the world!

Expert tips for communicating science. An exclusive seminar with award-winning scientific publisher, tech entrepreneur, and co-founder of Cosmos Magazine, Kylie Ahern.

5 easy tips for connecting your scientific research with the public.

You've spent years on your scientific research and made some amazing how do you connect these with the people who need to know about it – the public?

New Release: LabChart 8.1.11

The refreshed version of LabChart has been launched, including optimizations to our Non-Invasive Cardiac Output extension and our Spirometry and PV Loop Add-Ons.

Enjoying your Easter Egg? How the type of chocolate you like is linked to your eating behavior...

How a University of Mississippi researcher used electroglottography (EGG) and surface electromyography (sEMG) to find out how your chocolate preference is linked to your eating behavior.

New Release: LabChart 8.1.10

The latest version of LabChart has just been released, including support for the Non-Invasive Cardiac Output extension for Human NIBP.

Bigger isn't always better: Introducing the new Human NIBP Nano

The compact, lightweight way to record and analyze Human Non-Invasive Blood Pressure (NIBP) data...

PowerLab and LabChart Flying High in Microgravity Research

PowerLab and LabChart are being used in research for the ESA to help understand how our brains work in space.

How an award-winning educator uses video to teach his students...and gets 4.2 million YouTube hits in the process.

Dr. James Clark teaches classes of between 12 and 60 students... but his online video tutorials have been viewed over 4 million times.

What's New: LabChart 8.1.9 Released!

The latest version of LabChart has just been released, with some exciting new features and updates.

The 15th Annual Delsys Prize Winner: Dr. Mitsuhiro Hayashibe

W e are pleased to congratulate the 2017 Delsys Prize winner: Dr. Mitsuhiro Hayashibe from Tohoku University in Japan.

Wireless Workshop at JUIT

Our flexible and accurate wireless products were the focus of an innovative workshop at JUIT in Solan, India.