Solid-state vs. fluid-filled pressure catheters: know the difference

When collecting data from acute invasive pressure studies, it is essential to have the right set of tools at your disposal. Is it time to upgrade from a fluid-filled to a solid-state pressure catheter?

Getting started with small animal Telemetry: Fiona’s top three tips

Fiona McBryde, Cardiovascular Physiologist from the University of Auckland shares her top three tips when it comes to using telemetry in research!

Introduction to Optogenetics for Neuroscience Research

Are you thinking about using optogenetics in your neuroscience research but are unsure where to begin? Here we provide an overview of the key tools and techniques involved in optogenetics and its applications in the neuroscience field.

Keeping anesthetized rhinos safe

Professor Leith Meyer is developing safer capture and immobilization techniques for one of the world’s most endangered animals.

The 18th Annual Delsys Prize Winner: Ms. Femke Dijkstra

Congratulations to Femke Dijkstra, winner of the 2021 Delsys Prize for Innovation in Electromyography!

10 simple things you can do to improve your human autonomic studies

How to create a research setting that’s conducive to reliable and accurate human autonomic data.

Four Cardiovascular Applications Using Kaha Sciences Telemetry

Take your cardiovascular research to the next level using telemetry. Find out how you can use Kaha Science's telemeters to measure physiological pressures, ECG, and sympathetic nerve activity - plus a whole lot more!

Solid-state sensors at the catheter tip – Why settle for less?

Measure physiological pressures wirelessly with unparalleled accuracy, reliability, and sensitivity using Kaha Sciences pressure telemeters

Tissue oxygen telemetry: How does it work and why is it beneficial to your research?

Are you interested in measuring tissue oxygen concentrations, continuously, over long periods of time? Find out how tissue oxygen can be measured in situ and why tissue oxygen telemetry could be beneficial to your research...

Beyond the Bowel: Shining a Light on the Inner Workings of Our ‘Second Brain’

Nick Spencer, Neurogastroenterologist from Flinders University Australia shares how he uses optogenetics to understand neural pathways of the enteric nervous system.

Under pressure to find new and innovative techniques for your lab? Here are three unique applications of the Millar pressure catheter

Here we discuss some of the less well-known applications of the Millar pressure catheter including tumor, intradiscal, and transdiaphragmatic pressure measurements!

Introduction to PV loops: Understanding points on the PV loop and measures of cardiac function

Cardiovascular Physiologist Adam Goodwill (P.h.D) provides an introduction to the pressure-volume loop, how it compares to other techniques, plus tips for interpreting measures of cardiac function.

Pressure-volume catheter placement in the left ventricle - Carotid vs. Apical approach

Cardiovascular Physiologist Dr. DeWayne Townsend discusses the advantages and limitations of the carotid and apical approach for PV loop studies.