The Benefits of Using Telemetry in Research

Four key benefits of using telemetry for your Cardiovascular, Neuroscience, or Autonomic research.

Four Cardiovascular Applications Using Kaha Sciences Telemetry

Take your cardiovascular research to the next level using telemetry. Find out how you can use Kaha Science's telemeters to measure physiological pressures, ECG, and sympathetic nerve activity - plus a whole lot more!

Tissue oxygen telemetry: How does it work and why is it beneficial to your research?

Are you interested in measuring tissue oxygen concentrations, continuously, over long periods of time? Find out how tissue oxygen can be measured in situ and why tissue oxygen telemetry could be beneficial to your research...

Five Unique Neuroscience Applications Using Telemetry

Find out how Kaha Sciences' suite of telemeters can be integrated into your neuroscience studies to measure intracranial pressure, seizure (EEG), sympathetic nerve activity, or tissue oxygen concentration.

ADInstruments announces acquisition of Kaha Sciences for small animal telemetry

We are pleased to announce our acquisition of Kaha Sciences! This acquisition allows us to provide researchers with an unsurpassed solution in terms of quality and power for implantable, wireless telemetry in rats and mice.

Beyond the Bowel: Shining a Light on the Inner Workings of Our ‘Second Brain’

Nick Spencer, Neurogastroenterologist from Flinders University Australia shares how he uses optogenetics to understand neural pathways of the enteric nervous system.

Understanding Obstructive Sleep Apnea with the Millar Mikro-Cath Pressure Catheter

The Millar Mikro-Cath is a highly sensitive, solid-state catheter proven to record precise measurements within the airway to advance discovery in respiratory physiology.

Combating COVID-19: How startup project Kahanu is helping to ease the shortage of ventilators in Hawaii

Find out how an innovative group of medical and engineering experts produced an open-source ventilator in a matter of months.

COVID19: Lab Equipment Sterilization Guide

As COVID-19 restrictions fluctuate, it's more important than ever to ensure that the lab equipment we and our students are using is disinfected and safe to use.

Under pressure to find new and innovative techniques for your lab? Here are three unique applications of the Millar pressure catheter

Here we discuss some of the less well-known applications of the Millar pressure catheter including tumor, intradiscal, and transdiaphragmatic pressure measurements!

Watch webinar: Cardiac Pressure-Volume Loop Data Analysis - Tips & Tricks

In this free on-demand webinar, PV loop experts DeWayne Townsend (DVM, Ph.D.) and Adam Goodwill (Ph.D.) discuss how to collect and analyze high-quality pressure-volume loop data.

Introduction to PV loops: Understanding points on the PV loop and measures of cardiac function

Cardiovascular Physiologist Adam Goodwill (P.h.D) provides an introduction to the pressure-volume loop, how it compares to other techniques, plus tips for interpreting measures of cardiac function.

Pressure-volume catheter placement in the left ventricle - Carotid vs. Apical approach

Cardiovascular Physiologist Dr. DeWayne Townsend discusses the advantages and limitations of the carotid and apical approach for PV loop studies.