Talking Teaching: Photosensitivity and visually accessible course design

Join the discussion: Find out why photosensitivity and visual accessibility are important factors to consider when designing digital content - plus we share some helpful resources and practical strategies for designing visually accessible content.

Teaching through COVID19: Dos and Don’ts

Dr James Clark, Reader in Human Physiology at King’s College London and winner of the prestigious Otto Hutter Award 2020, shares his experiences from the first semester of pandemic teaching.

Introducing the New Lt Analytics Dashboard!

Easily monitor student performance and engagement with the course content in real-time, quickly identify students who may be struggling or falling behind - plus a whole lot more!

How Lt's Nursing Collection aligns with the NMC Standards of Proficiency for Registered Nurses.

Produce nursing graduates with advanced clinical skills and professional values. Lt's Nursing Collection aligns with the UK Nursing and Midwifery Council's Standards of Proficiency.

Webinar: Educating the Practitioner of the Future - Lt for Nursing. Presented by Alison McLachlan.

Leading nursing educator and academic, Alison McLachlan, outlines a comprehensive nursing curriculum design which is applicable to patient care across the whole spectrum of conditions encountered in today's health and social care.

Student Misconceptions in Chemistry - Making Mountains out of Molehills

Happy National Chemistry Week and National Mole Day! What is a mole anyway, and how can you make learning about moles straightforward, as well as interesting?

Lt Sensors for Human Physiology are here! A powerful and flexible solution for recording biosignals into Lt

We are extremely excited to announce the release of Lt Sensors - our new, cost-effective, and versatile solution for recording biosignals directly into our online learning platform Lt!

COVID19: Lab Equipment Sterilization Guide

As COVID-19 restrictions fluctuate, it's more important than ever to ensure that the lab equipment we and our students are using is disinfected and safe to use.

Talking Teaching: Visualizing Chemistry Online

Join the Discussion: How animations of events at the molecular level can improve the representations that students create of these events, as well as student confidence.

Talking Teaching: How to improve digital literacy in course design

Join the discussion: How the pedagogical design of a course can increase students’ technical prowess, self-regulation skills, and their sense of ownership of taught material.

Emergency Remote Teaching: How to quickly move biology courses online

How Lt's Biology Collection, created with Vernier® Science Education, helps educators quickly make the switch to online learning without sacrificing active learning PLUS delivers an improved biology curriculum!

Lesson Design: How to promote the six core competencies for undergraduate biology students

Find out how ADInstruments and Vernier are integrating the six core competencies outlined in the Vision and Change report into undergraduate biology education via our new Lt Biology Collection.

Helping your students to bloom: Fostering higher-level thinking in introductory biology

ADInstruments and Vernier have partnered to create the Lt Biology Collection - designed to help undergraduate biology students work in the higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.