Meet Professor Nandu Goswami: Engaging students through hands-on experimentation

Meet Dr. Nandu Goswami, Associate Professor and Head of the Institute of Physiology at the Medical University of Graz, who uses ADInstruments tools for teaching physiology.

Benefits of Blended Learning in Nursing and Midwifery Education

Since introducing Lt into her classroom in 2017 - Ricci Wesselink, nursing and midwifery educator from Wintec, has seen a dramatic increase in student grades. Check out how she did it!

Lt's Anatomy Collection for life science educators is here!

Lt’s Anatomy Collection is an online human anatomy course with labs, featuring media-rich dissection and histology images and videos.

Launching our Anatomy Collection: Check out some of the top features from our Bone and Cartilage Histology Lab!

The Anatomy Collection is here! Instructional designer, Tim Wright, highlights some top features for students and educators from our Histology Labs

Teaching resource: 10 free high-quality anatomy images for educators to download and use

Pictures tell a thousand words, so here are 10 free high-quality images to use in your anatomy teaching...

Teach anatomy? Check out some of the top features from our Heart Dissection Lab!

Discover this ready-made lab for your anatomy course. This lab walks undergraduate anatomy students through the structure of the heart via dissection.

Meet Rachel Klaus - A modern human anatomist.

We talk to Rachel Klaus from ToLTech about her passion for Anatomy and her day-to-day life working in a modern dissection lab.

To dissect, or not to dissect - How digital cadavers open up new teaching methods for educators

We talk to Rachel Klaus from ToLTech about the Visible Human Project and how they have used imagery from the VHP to create 3D anatomical models of the human body!

Tips for Educators: Five easy ways to make your labs run smoother!

Expert advice from Associate Professor, Tina Hinton on how to make your labs run like a well-oiled machine!

Show me the Money! Scholarships and Awards for Life Science Researchers and Educators

Check out the range of scholarships and awards that we support for life science researchers and educators!

It's Anatomy Month! Today marks the 500th anniversary of famous anatomist and artist Leonardo da Vinci - We uncover the story behind the paintings

May 2nd marks the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci's death, one of the most famous anatomical illustrators of all time.

Congratulations to Dr. Mary Pat Wenderoth, winner of the 2019 Claude Bernard Distinguished Lectureship Award!

Supported by ADInstruments and the APS, this award is presented to an established investigator with a history of excellence in education, who is making outstanding contributions to teaching and learning.

Teach them a lesson they'll never forget! The Muscle Twitch Response experiment...

Experiment: How to get your students to measure muscle contraction by stimulating their own nerves.